India Vs Pakistan War 2009? III World War Hits In 2009

We don't want to sound as the devil's advocate but looking at the rising tensions between India and Pakistan it is looking like the clouds of war are looming over the skies. It has been a teething issue of militancy and cross border terrorism that has been happening from decades that has spoiled the peace and economy of the country in many ways.

But the recent terror attacks in Mumbai have been a straight shot on the heart. India is not taking it easily and they have indicated strongly of air attacks if their demands are not met. On the other hand, Taliban has declared it is ready to fight if Pakistan is attacked. Given the hawk eye of the US government on Taliban this is more than a reason for them to weed out the extremists and once US involves then the magnitude of this battle will change for sure.

While the fear is still high on many quarters and the three forces of defense- army, air and naval have been gearing up in full strength and Pakistan being adamant on their stand it will not be long before a war ten times more higher than Kargil will take place and a skirmish in the sub continent would mean an inevitable war involving other powerful nations of the world.

Ashta Chamma Heroine Bhargavi Committed Suicide

Asta Chemma Second heroine Bhargavi committed suicide. She is well known for Telugu audiences with various TV serials as well. serial was one that brought her recognition. She got married 4 years ago and today committed suicide along with her husband. She also got a son.

The reason for suicide is not known yet. Sources say that some family problems have forced her to take this action.

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